Saturday, May 26, 2012

Meeting minutes from May 24, 2012
Theme "Paying Tribute to the Armed Forces"
Word of the Day: Sacrifice

What a great meeting we had.  This was the first time Danae Deal served as the Toastmaster, and what a wonderful job she did. We  had Joan Janis from Cherry Creek Toastmasters as our esteemed guest.

There were a few last minute substitutions and role filling, but that didn't slow us down.  Margaret Seyer led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by our inspirator, Cybele Antenow.  Cybele asked us what Toastmasters means to each of us.  She chose oppurtunity as we make a promise to ourselves to become better speakers, better leaders, take ourselves to new levels.

Maura Thompson kept us laughing with her dream speech of winning the Division 26 speech contest, helping Obama win a second term and marrying him.

Speaker #2 was Cybele Antenow, relating the worries and concerns of any parent when their child learns to drive.  Watch out for anyone turning left on a red light from the right turn lane!  It could be her daughter!

Our third speaker, Darryle Brown, gave a toast to Ian Humphrey, Gigi DeGala, and Kathy Fortune for their successes in some of the speech contests.  He especially recognized Deborah Frauenfelder, now a Division Governor for Toastmasters. Congratulations, Deborah!

Deborah Frauenfelder payed tribute to those who have served in the military and using that theme for the Table Topics questions. 

We had some great evaluations from Kathy Fortune, Will Osagiede, and David Bounds. General Evaluator Tom Marrs mentioned that the meeting started on time and roles were filled, but there will be an effort to! inform people sooner to sign up for roles a couple weeks in advance so people have ample time to sign up.

Let's congratulate our winners from last night:
Best Table Topics: Joan Janis
Best Evaluator:      David Bounds
Best Speaker:        Cybele Antenow

See you next week!

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