Friday, August 19, 2016

Aug 18 Simply Speaking Minutes

Meeting started promptly at 7:01.

Larry opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance.
Abukar served as Toastmaster.

The following members were in attendance:
Abukar.   Marietta
David.      Margaret
James.    Trevor
Joel.         Cybele
Tom M.     Larry
Chelsea.   Chelsea
Maura.      Vanessa


1.The first speech was an Icebreaker by Steven. He shared about growing up and traveling in China after graduating college from CU. CC manual #1

2.The second speaker was Marieta. She discussed about important role models in her life and what she learned from them. Marieta also shared about being perfectionist. CC manual #3

3.James gave the third speech. He focused on fear and anxiety in giving a speech. He shared good strategies in preparing and giving a speech. Better speaker series #3

Table Topics:Margaret was Table Topics master tonight.
The following participated in Table Topics:
Cybele-guests to invite to a block party
David-who would you like to help in the community
Larry-What event would you like to invite neighbors to


1.David evaluated Steven's ice breaker speech. He discussed how well Steven did as well as mentioning importance of good hand placement when speaking.

2.Maura evaluated Marieta's speech. She shared how well Marieta spoke and what she learned but also how to go into details about what she learned from her mentors.

The remainder of the reports were given:
Ah Counter-Trevor

The winners tonight were:
Best speaker-Steven
Best evaluator-Maura
Best table topics-David

Abukar turned the meeting back to President Maura

Maura-closed the meeting.
She thanked several members including those who took on new roles.
Be sure to get manuals signed off.
She introduced the guests.
Other announcements:
Vanessa-roles for next week
Club contest-Sept 15th
End of summer party-Sept 10th
area contest Oct 15th
District conference-Nov 11th
Meeting adjourned at 8:20.

Respectfully submitted;
Joel Weissman

Friday, August 5, 2016

Simply Speaking Toastmasters
August 4, 2016

22 Members present
Sandy & Will-guests.
A third guest arrived who is a toastmaster from somewhere else.

Meeting began at 7:01.
Margaret welcome everyone and the pledge was completed.

Larry served as Toastmaster and welcomed guests.

Daryl brought up the word 'attitude' as the inspirator.
Tom as the first evaluator introduced Meredith the first speaker.

Meredith completed CC#2 speech.
She brought up the key word of her speech 'transformation'
Transformation comes in when you learn something new about yourself or the world around you. Meredith also focused on things we are incompetent as well as competent at. She also discussed the importance of finding your gift.

Stephen was the evaluator who introduced Alan the second speaker. (Substituted for Tien who couldn't be here)
His speech was titled "Why am I here?"
He focused on three different areas:work, Toastmasters, & prison.
Alan shared his extensive career as a Toastmaster as well as some personal things about being a volunteer in the prison. His speech was very inspiring.

Mark was the third evaluator for Chelsea's speech.
Her speech was titled "The Day I Became an Aunt"
Chelsea shared about the day she found out about her nephew. She mentioned about his time playing soccer, his school life, and other stories about her family.
She wrapped up her speech about finding her brother was having a girl.

Deborah served as Table Topics speaker.
1.Yvonne was the first speaker talking about space odyssey.
2.Reed was the second speaker talked about the word 'pie'
3.Connie the the third speaker and talked about Martians and her daughter.

Tom gave the timer report.

1.Tom was the first evaluator. He mentioned how great Meredith did for being so new Toastmaster.  He brought up several excellent things she did in her speech delivery.
Tom spilled bar b que sauce on his notes.

2.Stephen was the second evaluator for Alan's Speech.
He mentioned how well Alan used laughter to enhance his remarks.
Stephen also brought up how Alan shared some wonderful stories and how Toastmasters has changed his life.

3.Mark was the third evaluator. He shared with Chelsea how her speeches improve and get better each time and how she is more focused.

Tom gave the timer report.

Diane gave the ah counter report.
Steven presented the Ah Counter report.
Marietta offered the questions as Quizmaster.

Margaret shared comments about what a great meeting we had.

Connie-best Table Topics
Mark-best evaluator
Alan-best speaker

Larry commented on the great meeting.

Maura mentioned some accomplishments & solicited feedback from guests.
Tom is the Toastmaster for next week and solicited members for the missing roles.
Mark mentioned the upcoming contest & presented the CC pin to Chelsea.
Vanessa shared that we had 7 new members who joined in July.
Sept 10th is the club party.

Maura-closed the meeting at 8:25.