Friday, August 19, 2016

Aug 18 Simply Speaking Minutes

Meeting started promptly at 7:01.

Larry opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance.
Abukar served as Toastmaster.

The following members were in attendance:
Abukar.   Marietta
David.      Margaret
James.    Trevor
Joel.         Cybele
Tom M.     Larry
Chelsea.   Chelsea
Maura.      Vanessa


1.The first speech was an Icebreaker by Steven. He shared about growing up and traveling in China after graduating college from CU. CC manual #1

2.The second speaker was Marieta. She discussed about important role models in her life and what she learned from them. Marieta also shared about being perfectionist. CC manual #3

3.James gave the third speech. He focused on fear and anxiety in giving a speech. He shared good strategies in preparing and giving a speech. Better speaker series #3

Table Topics:Margaret was Table Topics master tonight.
The following participated in Table Topics:
Cybele-guests to invite to a block party
David-who would you like to help in the community
Larry-What event would you like to invite neighbors to


1.David evaluated Steven's ice breaker speech. He discussed how well Steven did as well as mentioning importance of good hand placement when speaking.

2.Maura evaluated Marieta's speech. She shared how well Marieta spoke and what she learned but also how to go into details about what she learned from her mentors.

The remainder of the reports were given:
Ah Counter-Trevor

The winners tonight were:
Best speaker-Steven
Best evaluator-Maura
Best table topics-David

Abukar turned the meeting back to President Maura

Maura-closed the meeting.
She thanked several members including those who took on new roles.
Be sure to get manuals signed off.
She introduced the guests.
Other announcements:
Vanessa-roles for next week
Club contest-Sept 15th
End of summer party-Sept 10th
area contest Oct 15th
District conference-Nov 11th
Meeting adjourned at 8:20.

Respectfully submitted;
Joel Weissman

Friday, August 5, 2016

Simply Speaking Toastmasters
August 4, 2016

22 Members present
Sandy & Will-guests.
A third guest arrived who is a toastmaster from somewhere else.

Meeting began at 7:01.
Margaret welcome everyone and the pledge was completed.

Larry served as Toastmaster and welcomed guests.

Daryl brought up the word 'attitude' as the inspirator.
Tom as the first evaluator introduced Meredith the first speaker.

Meredith completed CC#2 speech.
She brought up the key word of her speech 'transformation'
Transformation comes in when you learn something new about yourself or the world around you. Meredith also focused on things we are incompetent as well as competent at. She also discussed the importance of finding your gift.

Stephen was the evaluator who introduced Alan the second speaker. (Substituted for Tien who couldn't be here)
His speech was titled "Why am I here?"
He focused on three different areas:work, Toastmasters, & prison.
Alan shared his extensive career as a Toastmaster as well as some personal things about being a volunteer in the prison. His speech was very inspiring.

Mark was the third evaluator for Chelsea's speech.
Her speech was titled "The Day I Became an Aunt"
Chelsea shared about the day she found out about her nephew. She mentioned about his time playing soccer, his school life, and other stories about her family.
She wrapped up her speech about finding her brother was having a girl.

Deborah served as Table Topics speaker.
1.Yvonne was the first speaker talking about space odyssey.
2.Reed was the second speaker talked about the word 'pie'
3.Connie the the third speaker and talked about Martians and her daughter.

Tom gave the timer report.

1.Tom was the first evaluator. He mentioned how great Meredith did for being so new Toastmaster.  He brought up several excellent things she did in her speech delivery.
Tom spilled bar b que sauce on his notes.

2.Stephen was the second evaluator for Alan's Speech.
He mentioned how well Alan used laughter to enhance his remarks.
Stephen also brought up how Alan shared some wonderful stories and how Toastmasters has changed his life.

3.Mark was the third evaluator. He shared with Chelsea how her speeches improve and get better each time and how she is more focused.

Tom gave the timer report.

Diane gave the ah counter report.
Steven presented the Ah Counter report.
Marietta offered the questions as Quizmaster.

Margaret shared comments about what a great meeting we had.

Connie-best Table Topics
Mark-best evaluator
Alan-best speaker

Larry commented on the great meeting.

Maura mentioned some accomplishments & solicited feedback from guests.
Tom is the Toastmaster for next week and solicited members for the missing roles.
Mark mentioned the upcoming contest & presented the CC pin to Chelsea.
Vanessa shared that we had 7 new members who joined in July.
Sept 10th is the club party.

Maura-closed the meeting at 8:25.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Simply Speaking July 14, 2016 Minutes

The meeting started promptly by Larry at 7:00.
22 individuals and 2 guests were present.
Tien served as Toastmaster.
Vanessa gave an inspiration focusing on the word 'Improv'
The word of the day was 

Tien pointed out that all 3 speeches tonight are Ice Breakers.
1.Marieta gave her icebreaker. She opened up sharing going from working in business to changing diapers. She shared how her dream is to leave a legacy for her children.

2.Tom gave his icebreaker. He shared about his growing up experience as a 'navy brat' and moving around a lot.  He also focused on his careers and his family.

3.Meredith delivered her ice breaker. She shared working for the potato board and all the changes in the workplace along the way.  She also offerred some inspirational thoughts about being a Toastmaster.

Table Topics:
Diane did Ice breaker. She called up four volunteers;David B, Tom M, James U, and Jim. They each acted out emotions given different scenarios.
She continued with charades calling up Tom, Chelsa, Kumu, Margaret. 

Cybele gave a timer report. 
Pete gave the 'ah' counter report.
David B gave the Gramarian report.
Kumu gave the quizmaster report.

Tom M served as General Evaluator.

1.James evaluated Marietas speech. He pointed out the excellent job she did preparing and presenting her speech. James also suggested that Marieta slow down a bit.

2.Maura next evaluated Tom's speech. She mentioned how well Tom did in his presentation and how well he explained about his life as a military brat. Maura also talked about helping Tom getting away from his 'teacher' role and more into a speaker role.

3.Mark mentioned how confident and clear Meredith delivered her ice breaker. He also suggested to use hand position that is comfortable.

Tom reviewed the meeting and emphasized how great and professional all speakers and evaluators did.

Tien wrapped up the meeting with awards:
James won best table topics
Mark won best evaluator
Marieta won best speaker

Tien called up Maura to wrap up the meeting:
She emphasized how great the meeting went
Maura also reminded the club about signing up for roles.
Mark reminded the group to sign up for roles.
Contest will be coming up in the Fall.
Maura also reminded the club to clean up and reorganize the room.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:22.

Respectfully submitted
Joel Weissman

Monday, June 27, 2016

June 23rd, 2016

Meeting Cancelled

Meeting location not available.

June 16th

Simply Speaking
June 16, 2016
Colorado Community Church

With Diane Nuss filling in as Sergeant-at-Arms the meeting was opened at 7:00 with the Pledge of Allegiance.  She then introduced Toastmaster Pete Hazlet.

Maura Thompson was our Inspirator for the evening.  She reminded us of the good that rose out of the violent events of the week, giving us a positive message of love rising over hate.

“Think Positively” was the title of Diane Nuss’s speech.  Speaking from the Speeches by Management manual, our first speaker of the evening delivered a great speech highlighting the benefits of change.

Stephen Phinney spoke second, telling us about Parkinson’s Disease.  He told us about the symptoms and how it has affected him.  He also explained what he is doing to live with the disease.

Our third speaker was Tien Pham.  His speech “Comedic Tools, How to Add Humor to Your Presentations”  offered some great tips for adding humor to speeches.

Tom Marrs followed the speeches with Table Topics. His questions elicited some great responses from some of our members and one guest.

Chelsa Newberg was our General Evaluator.  This was her first time in this role as she called on the speakers’ evaluators and evaluated the meeting.  The evaluators were Darryle Brown, Jim Roth, and Vanessa Frazier.  She also called on Ah Counter Darryle Brown and Grammarian Deborah Frauenfelder.

Best Speaker: Diane Nuss
Best Evaluator: Vanessa Frazier, Darryle Brown, and Jim Roth (YES, a 3-way tie!)


Toastmasters Leadership Institute  is Saturday June 25.  If you haven’t registered you can register at Red Rocks Community College starting at 8:30.  For the new officers this is an opportunity to learn about your new roles.  It is also open to all members who would like to explore officer roles and take advantage of other information sessions.

Meeting Notes June 9th 2016

Simply Speaking
June 9, 2016
Colorado Community Church

The meeting was started at 7:00 PM.  Sergeant-at-Arms Larry Hutcherson led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and then introduced our Toastmaster for the evening, James Umbenhower.

David Bounds was our Inspirator for the evening.

First speaker Vanessa Frazier’s speech “Why Toastmasters” was a persuasive speech, hre ninth speech.  She used her experience in Toastmasters to highlight the growth she has gained through Toastmasters.

Our second speaker was Chelsa Newberg.  Delivering her 10th speech and earning her Competent Communicator award, she too highlighted her experience in Toastmasters as a positive experience.

Third speaker Darryle Brown, speaking from the Public Relations manual, gave honor to a person who has inspired him and has been there to help other Toastmasters and their clubs.  The person he presented an award to was Deborah Frauenfelder, who has been a tireless volunteer aiding in the growth of Toastmasters.

Table Topics was presented by Vennita Jenkins.  Participants were Larry Hutcherson, Maura Thompson, guest Meredith Myers, Diane Nuss, and David Bounds.

Diane Nuss was our General Evaluator.  She called on Deborah Frauenfelder and Peter Hazlet to evaluate Vanessa’s and Chelsa’s speeches. Darryle did not need an evaluator for his speech.  She also called on Stephen Phinney for the “Ah Counter report, Grammarian Tien Pham, and Yvonne Buck, our Quizmaster.  She also called on  Timer Jim Roth and then evaluated the meeting as a whole.

Attendees were James Umbenhower, David Bounds, Vanessa Frazier, Chelsa Newberg, Darryle Brown, Vennita Jenkins, David Jenkins, Jim Roth, Deborah Frauenfelder, Peter Hazlet, Diane Nuss, Stephen Phinney, Tien Pham, Yvonne Buck, and Kumu Kandaswamy.  We had two visitors.

Best Speaker: Chelsa Newberg
Best Evaluator: Deborah Frauenfelder
Best Table Topics: Guest Meredith Myers

Toastmasters Leadership Institute: June 25, 2016 for new officers.  Any member can attend.  It’s a great opportunity to learn more about Toastmasters and learn more about officer roles you might be interested in.

Jim Roth is the new D6 Area Director.  Congratulations, Jim!

End of the Season party is July 10 from 2:00 - 6:00 PM at the Green Valley Beer Garden.  An email will be sent out.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

June 2nd Meeting Notes (Election)

Simply Speaking Minutes
June 2, 2016
Colorado Community Church
7:00 PM

Theme: Election  Word of the Day: Quorum

The meeting was called to order by Sergeant-at-Arms Larry Hutcherson.  He led us in the Pledge of Allegiance before introducing Toastmaster Tom Marrs.

Vennita Jenkins was our source of inspiration for the evening.

The first order of business was to elect new officers for the next season.  The only open spot was for VP Public Relations.  We had two candidates for President.  After all the ballots were tabulated and votes counted the following people were elected to lead us for 2016 - 2017:

President: Maura Thompson
VP Education: Mark Reagan
VP Membersip: Vanessa Frazier
VP Public Relations: Chelsa Newberg
Secretary: Joel Weissman
Treasurer: Diane Nuss
Sergeant-at-Arms: Larry Hutcherson

After the election results were announced the new officers present were inducted.  The other two officers will be inducted at a later date.  The new officers will take over July 1st.

The second part of the meeting included great table topics questions from Table Topics Master James Umbenhower.  David Jenkins, guests Charles Lewis and Maggie Lane, David Bounds, Chelsa Newberg, Mark Reagan, & Darryle Brown provided the great answers.

Our General Evaluator was Kumu Kandaswamy and Pete Hazlet was the Grammarian.  Returning member Sherry Londo-Thomas was our timer.


Best Table Topics: Guest Maggie Lane


David Jenkins thanked his team of leaders for holding down the fort while he was out of town.  He also thanked Deborah Frauenfelder for her many years of service to the district and congratulated Tom Marrs and Darryle Brown on being elected as District Directors.
End of Year party July 10.  More information to follow.
TLI is coming to Red Rocks.  Our newly elected officers will attend Toastmasters Leadership Institute.  TLI is open to all Toastmasters members.  Learn more about the different roles you might be interested in, meet other Toastmasters.  All this and much more for one low price - absolutely free!

We have an opening for an Area Director and the person can come from our club.  Help other clubs achieve their goals, grow as a leader.  No experience necessary,training provided!

Meeting notes May 26th

Simply Speaking Minutes
May 26, 2016
Colorado Community Church
7:00 PM

Word of the Day: Fearless    

Sergeant-at-Arms Larry Hutcherson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  After the Pledge of Allegiance Larry introduced Toastmaster Maura Thompson.

Chelsa Newberg reminded us that “change” is not a four letter word, even though the thought of change can make us think of a four letter word.  Don’t  be afraid of change.

Tom Marrs presented an educational speech related to his High Performance Leadership project.  As the chairman for the Spring Conference, he gave us a great behind the scenes look at what went  into planning the D26 Spring Conference. He also told us of some last minute problems to be addressed so the conference went off without a hitch.

Toastmaster Maura Thompson took us through a team building exercise.  She would have us standing on different sides of the room depending on our preferences of skiing or swimming, Coke or Pepsi, cake or pie.  She took us through several categories so we could see what we have in common with other members of the club.

Deborah Frauenfelder filled in with great Table Topics questions.

Tien Pham was our General Evaluator, introducing our evaluator and providing an evaluation of the meeting.  This was his first time in this role, and, I might add, he did great.

Mark Reagan was Tom’s evaluator.  He congratulated Tom for what he accomplished as the chairman for the Spring Conference and gave him some great pointers to make his speech stronger.

Diane Nuss was our Timer and Darryle Brown kept track of the filler words,  Kristen Carlson was our Grammarian. This was her first time, and she passed with flying colors.  Stephen Phinney, as our Quizmaster tested our listening skills.


Best Table Topics:  Zach (guest) & James Umbenhower (tie)
Best Evaluator: Mark Reagan
Best Speaker: Tom Marrs

Toastmasters Leadership Institute 6/25/2016 at Red Rocks Community College.  This is for new leaders and anyone who wants to learn about any officer postions they might want to fill in the future.
End of Year Party 7/10/2016

Election 6/2/2016
Candidates need not be present to win, no absentee voting, however.  The meeting will start with voting, officer induction, and end with Table Topics.

2016 - 2017 Officers elected

  • President:  Maura Thompson
  • VPE:          Mark Reagan
  • VPM:         Vanessa Frazier
  • VPPR:       Chelsa Newberg
  • Secretary: Joel Weissman
  • Treasurer: Diane Nuss
  • SAA:         Larry Hutcherson
  • Meeting Notes 4/28/16

    Simply Speaking Minutes
    April 28, 2016
    Colorado Community Church

    The meeting was opened at 7:00 pm when Sergeant-at-Arms Larry Hutcherson called for us to pledge allegiance to the flag.  He then introduced Toastmaster for the evening, Diane Nuss.  Diane then called up Inspirator Deborah Frauenfelder.

    During the meeting Diane informed us of some of the national days in May, besides Mothers’ Day.  These include National Chocolate Day, Blame Someone Else Day, and Pack Rat Day.

    First speaker Mark Reagan told us a story of a boy trying to find his courage.  The boy, Myobi, had to climb a mountain and face a monster.  Myobi faced the monster, which grew small when he worked up the courage and ran towards the monster.  He will tell this story to a group of 9- and 10 year olds.

    Second Speaker, Darryle Brown, gave an educational speech.  He took the pulse of the club while going over what it takes to make a great club. With audience participation he got members’ opinions, experiences, and expectations.  This was a 30 minute speech with more to come.

    Kumu Kandaswamy was our Table Topics Master with some great questions and a slight twist.  She called two people up for each question.  One person would answer the question by telling a story and the other person acted it out.

    General Evaluator Maura Thompson called on Evaluator Stephen Phinney to evaluate Mark’s speech.  Darryle gave an educational speech, so no verbal evaluation was required.

    Vennita Jenkins was our timer while Tom Marrs counted the “ahs”  and other filler words.  Pete Hazlet was the Grammarian and new member Satinder Singh filled his first role as the quizmaster.

    Best Table Topics went to guests Nicki & Nicholas
    Best evaluator was Stephen Phinney
    Best Speaker: Mark Reagan


    Election of new officers is June 2.  Nominations are open and you can run for more than one position.  You will only be elected to one position.

    Spring Conference May 20 & 21

    May 5th 2016 Meeting Nnotes

    Simply Speaking Minutes
    May 5, 2016
    Colorado Community Church

    Theme: Hollywood
    Word of the Day: Epitome

    Joel Weissman led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to open the meeting.  He then introduced our Toastmaster for the evening. “Hollywood producer” Darryle Brown.

    Inspirator Pete Hazlet got us ready for a fun evening.

    Vanessa Frazier presented speech number 8 “Empty Nest Syndrome: Another Chapter in the Journey”.  She told us how she discovered new interests after sending her daughter to college.  She provided great visuals to help explain some of the different stages her life has gone through

    Second speaker Will Osagiede gave a very informative speech on resistance.  He started by giving us some information about Cinco De Mayo and the Mexican resistance to French rule in Mexico.  He defined resistance in many ways and gave us some great examples of resistance.

    Maura Thompson was our third speaker, sharing her vision of reviving the mentoring program in Simply Speaking.  She also covered the importance of mentoring to help members achieve their goals.

    David Bounds was our Table Topics Master with some fantastic questions.  Equally fantastic were the responses from our area director Jacqueline Smith, guest Kristen, & Tom Marrs.
    General Evaluator Deborah Frauenfelder called on Joel Weissman, Tien Pham, and Mark Reagan to provide oral evaluations to our speakers.  She also evaluated the meeting.

    Vennita Jenkins gave the time for the speakers, Table Topics participants, and the evaluators.  Diane Nuss was our “Ah Counter”, with Satinder Singh giving his first Grammarian report.  Quizmaster Stephen Phinney tested our listening skills for the evening.


    Table Topics: Tom Marrs
    Evaluator: Mark Reagan
    Speaker: Vanessa Frazier

    Present at the meeting: Deborah Frauenfelder, Tom Marrs, David Bounds, Vennita Jenkins, Pete Hazlet, Vanessa Frazier, Will Osagiede, Maura Thompson, Darryle Brown, Joel Weissman,Tien Pham, Mark Reagan, Diane Nuss, Satinder Singh, Stephen Phinney.
    Special Guest: Area Director Jacqueline Smith


    Sandy Dixon and Mark Reagan will be representing Simply Speaking in the Table Topics and International Speech Contest May 7 at the District Conference.  Let’s all be there Saturday morning to cheer them on.

    Nominations are open for officers positions.  Take your Simply Speaking experience to a new level as a new officer of our club!


    Denver District  Contest

    Tuesday, March 29, 2016

    March 3rd Meeting Notes

    Simply Speaking Club Contest
    Colorado Community Church
    March 3, 2016

    Our contest started at 6:30 when Sergeant-at-Arms Margaret Sayer called the meeting to order and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Our Toastmaster was David Jenkins.  He introduced Chief Judge Stephen Phinney to verify the judges were briefed on their duties.

    David gave us the order of the Speakers in  the Table Topics contest.  Participants were in this order:
    Sandy Dixon
    Ed Pens
    Vanessa Frazier
    Jim Roth
    Chelsa Newberg

    Followed by a brief intermission our International Speech contestants were introduced in their speaking order. The order of speakers was as follows:
    Ed Pens
    Yvonne Buck
    Mark Reagan
    Larry Hutcherson

    Winners of this contest will go on to the area contest on Tuesday March 10 starting at 6:30 downstairs.  If the 1st place winners are unable to attend the 2nd Place winners will take their place.  The winners were:

    Table Topics:
    3rd Place: Chelsa Newberg
    2nd Place: Jim Roth
    1st Place: Sandy Dixon

    International Speech Contest:
    3rd Place: Larry Hutcherson
    2nd Place: Yvonne Buck
    1st Place Mark Reagan

    M-1 Director Area Director Cynthia Schuler is looking for volunteers for the M-1 Area Contest.  It is Saturday April 6 starting at 8:00 AM.  It is at the Innovation Pavillion 9200 E. Mineral Ave Centennial, CO.   Contact Cynthia at 303-862-5157 or

    The Spring Conference is May 20 & 21 at the Renaiscance Hotel.  Early Registration will save you $85.00, register now.  

    March 10th Meeting Notes

    Simply Speaking
    Colorado Community Church
    March 10, 2016

    Sergeant - at - Arms Larry Hutcherson called the meeting to order and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  He then introduced us to our Toastmaster, Mark Reagan.  This was his first time in this role.

    Chelsa Newberg gave a speech explaining why she decided not to have kids.  It was very logical and humorous at the same time.

    Our second speaker, Ed Pens, gave his fifth speech, bringing history to life, from the storytelling manual.  He told of a man, Boudicca, returning home after a war.

    Vennita Jenkins was our Table Topics Master.  Her fabulous questions elicited some great responses from the participants in this portion of the meeting.

    General Evaluator Margaret Sayer called on Larry Hutcherson and Vanessa Frazier to evaluate the speeches.  We also heard from Ah Counter David Jenkins, Grammarian Peter Hazlet, and Quizmaster Cybelle Antonow.

    Can I get a drum roll, please?
    Best Evaluator: Vanessa Frazier
    Best Table Topics: Jean Claire Broida
    Best Speaker: Ed Pens

    But wait, there’s more! at
    We have new Members:
    Michelle Evans
    Vanessa Frazier
    Mark Reagan
    Joe Long

    Also receiving awards were the following:
    Jean Broida earned her Advanced Communicator Bronze, Competent Leader, and Advanced Leader Bronze
    Larry Hutcherson earned his Competent Communicator.  He was also awarded a pin for Most Improved
    Mark Reagan earned his Competent Communicator  
    Joel Weismann earned his Advanced Leader Bronze

    Areas M3 & M4 are combining contests.  Theirs is being held March 31 at 6:30.  Volunteers are needed.  More information is available at website.

    District contest is May 7.  Sandy Dixon will fly back from Florida to represent Simply Speaking in the Table Topics contest.   Mark Reagan will  be representing Simply Speaking in the International Contest.

    D26 Toastmasters Spring Conference is May 20 & 21 at the Renaissance Denver Stapleton Hotel.  Hall of Fame Speaker Patricia Fripp will be speaking.  “One of the 10 most electrifying speakers in North America.”