Thursday, July 16, 2015

Meeting Minutes July 2, 2015

Simply Speaking Minutes
Colorado Community Church
The first meeting of our new season was opened by Larry Hutcheson.  He called the meeting to order and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  
The toastmaster for the evening was Vennita Jenkins and she kept the meeting moving along at a good pace.
There was no Inspirator, but we were inspired by two great speeches and Table Topics.
Jean Broida gave an appropriately timed speech titled “Question Authority?”  She told us about one of her experiences questioning authority. Jean then moved swiftly into  events leading up to this country declaring its independence from England.
In the speech “The Beauty of Loss” Connie Akins asked for volunteers to talk about their loss.  She also shared a time when she had a personal loss.  Connie did explain that sometimes a loss can be a good thing.
As a special speaker David Bounds and a chicken named Kathy gave us very spirited entertainment filled with fire and brimstone.  It was reminiscent of a church tent revival.
We also received some great table topics answers from David Bounds, Darryle Brown, & Tom Marrs.  Diane Nuss was the Table Topics Master.
General Evaluator Margaret Seyer called on Sherry Thomas and Joy Davidson to evaluate the speeches.
Tom Marrs inducted 5 of the new officers for the next season.
Awards went to:
Tom Marrs for Best Table Topics
Sherry Thomas for Best Evaluator
Best Speaker was Jean Claire Broida
Pete Hazlet, Connie Akins, David Bounds, Jean Broida, Darryle Brown, Yvonne Buck, Toni Busler, Jim Busler, Joy Davidson, Gigi De Gala, Larry Hutcherson, Deborah Frauenfelder, David Jenkins, Vennita

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Simply Speaking Toastmaster notes 4/4/15

Meeting was held at Empire Beauty School
Toastmaster: Gigi DeGala
Inspirator: Sandy Dickson (Hear your words and feel your attitude)
1st Speaker: Vennita Jenkins
Evaluator: Deborah Frauenfelder

2nd Speaker: James Umbenhower
Evaluator: David Bounds

Gigi did a great end my sentence game

Jean Broida was the General Evaluator

Table Topics master: James
David J
Ramona (Visitor)

Best Table Topics: David Jenkins
Best Evaluator: David Bounds
Best Speaker: James Umbenhower

Jean Broida announced that her house warming party is next Sunday. 

Simply Speaking notes 4/8/15

Toastmaster: Jean Broida

Inspirator: David Jenkins (Why are you here?)

First Speaker: Kumu Kandaswamy
My Life Journey and awesome inspieration speech
Evaluator : Pete Hazlett (Pete gave great points regarding Kumu's slide show and also talked a little about technical difficulty)

Second Speaker: Chris Grazuil
Chris presented an awesome first speech that allowed the club to get to know her better
Evaluator:Maura Thomas (Maura gave a very detailed evaluation and great points for a new speaker)

Third Speaker: David Bounds
The Moral of the Story
Turtle and the Rabbit
David was funny and presented a great speach about lessons learned
Evaluator Jeff Baker (Jeff presented excellent points for a very experienced speaker)

Best Speaker: Chris Graziul
Best Table Topics: Willl Osageide
Best Evaluator: Maura Thompson

20 members and 3 visitors in attendance

Meeting began at 7:05 and ended at 8:20p

Toastmaster's Simply Speaking Meeting Notes April 30th

Inspirator: Jean Broida
First Speaker: Tanya Lewis (Ice Breaker)
Simply speaking was able to get to know our new Toastmaster (Best Speaker Award)
Evaluator: Vennita Jenkins (Vennita pointed out Tany's great eye contact, story details and ability to draw the audience in to her speech.

Second Speaker: Larry Hutchinson
Possitive Affirmation
Larry shared a great inspirational speech and lots of information on thinking and being possitive
Evaluator: Joy Davidson - Joy gave a great evaluation and spoke to Larry's growth as a speaker and his inspiration to the club.

Third Speaker: James Umberheimer
The Life of Gym
James's speach was absolutely hilarious
Evaluator:  Brian Hoffler spoke to Jame's humor and opportunity to finish with a stronger conclusion (Best Evaluator)

Table Topics Master: Larry Hutchinson
David Jenkins (Best Table Topics)
Jean Broida
Diana Nuss (Welcome back)

General Evaluator - Sherry Londo-Thompson

Ah Counter: Joel Weisman
Grammarian Tom Marrs

21 members and 2 visitors

Simply Speaking Toastmasters 5/14/15

What you missed: James was an excellent Toastmaster
Innspirator: Maura Thompson (if nothing ever change there would be no betterflies)/

Speaker 1: Mouse Amadou (Best Speaker award)
Words of Wisdom
Stuck in an elevator
Crdit or debit
Forgetting your speach
Mouse's evaluator: Will Osagiede (Best Evaluator)

Speaker 2 Kris Grazuel
Heavy Equipment
Who would have thought it (Kris was spot on with her objectives and had a very good humorus stories
Kris's Evaluator: David Jenkins

Speaker 3 Darryle Brown
Bridgining the Gap
Extremely informative topic about the current state of citizens and police officers

Table Topics Master Brian Hoffler
Jeff Baker (best table topics)
General evaluator: Vennnit Jenkins
Grammarian: Tany Lewis (First time doing this role)
Ah Counter Chelsea
Quizmaster: Margaret

23 Members in attendance and 1 Visitor

Meeting began at 7:00pm and ended at 8:32pm

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Meeting Notes 3/18/15

3/18/15 Simply Speaking meeting notes
Toastmaster: Joy Davidson
What you missed
Word of the day Rhadamanthine
Theme Flexibility

Thomas Ottenheimer did an great inspirational poem.

Speaker 1 Patricia McLaughlin
Speech Title Southwest Potato Salad
We are now savoring potato Salad with spices and bacon, Yummmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!
Evaluator Vennita Jenkins
Excellent evaluation
Positive comments very descriptive
Opportunities give hand outs of recipe

Speaker 2 Darryl Brown
Manual Communicating on Television
Speech Title: Social Media Campaign
Accompanied by the hilarious David Bounds
Darryl did an awesome job demonstrating what its like to be interviewed on television.
Evaluator Larry Hutchinson
Positive comments Overwhelming subject knowledge
Opportunities shorten your answers

General Evaluator Broida
Ah counter GiGi
No Ahs
Grammarian Chelsea Newberg

Quiz Master: Peter Hazlet
Chelsea favorite super hero is the Hulk
Best Table Topics GiGi and James
Best Evaluator Vennita and Larry
Best Speaker Patricia

Table Topics Master: Sandy Dickson
Great questions
James running over Famous people
David Jenkins Best Sporting event to watch NBA All Star game
Brian. White lies vs real lies
Chris Hot air Ballooning over Hawaii

Happy Birthday GiGi

19 members
0 Visitors

First timers
Sandy Dickson
Chelsea Newberg
Great job newbies!!!!!!!!

All Roles are filled for next week !!!!!!!!