Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A Message From Our President

DearSimply Speaking Family,

I am so proud of our members! Mike Storkey (the very first vice president of Toastmasters International and the third in command of all of Toastmasters) told me at the conference that he had been telling everyone about what a good time he and his lovely wife had at our meeting. He said he couldn't remember when he had had such a good time. That's HUGE for our club! Do you realize what an honor that is and what that says about the caliber of our members? You all are impressive!

David Bounds, even though he was on loan to Orbiting Toastmasters, did Simply Speaking proud at the Humorous Speech contest! It was worth it just to see him in those onesies pajamas with the button-up flap on the booty! Oh my gosh! LOL! That's our David for ya! You're always number one to us, and no one wears a bumble bee costume better than you!

At the conference, Simply Speaking was mentioned as the only club in the entire district that had already reached Select Distinguished-- that's out of 175 active clubs! That means we've reached seven out of ten goals! Reach around and pat yourself on the back. Let's not ease up, but keep it going! Let's be the first to reach President's Distinguish! We can do it!

There's more good news! Our very own Tom Marrs won District 26's Toastmaster of the Year! We were all so excited for him! A lot of hard work, persistence, and dedication put Tom on top! Big time congratulations, Tom! We love you, you inspire us, and we are extremely proud of you!

Marcy Brack was the president of Simply Speaking when I joined. She too was honored last night! Marcy received the D26 2013-2014 Division Governor of the Year award. She was given this for leading Metro Division to a President's Distinguished Division recognition! Marcy is still apart of the Google group and receives our emails, because once a member of Simply Speaking, always a member of Simply Speaking! We love you Marcy, and we are so very proud of you! Come back to us, Marcy!

I am so proud to be apart of a club that has such high standards and a proud legacy. Let's continue to walk in the path that has been set before us! We definitely have the talent to do so!

Have a great week everyone, and make plans to attend our awesome club meeting on Thursday!
