Thursday, February 28, 2013

Checklist to prepare a speech

 Quick checklist to help prepare a speech

1. Review manual for objectives.

2. Come up with a concept 

3. Outline major points

4. Practice 4 times in front of mirror 

5. Practice 2 times with mentor 

6. Give speech 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Toastmasters International online store

Did you know there are tons of fun items at the Toastmasters International online store? 

You can get a custom name badge, Toastmaster International pens, coffee mugs, lanyards, magnets, portfolios, even ties and tee shirts! 

That's not all, stop by and see everything they have to offer

Have fun shopping!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Speak Beyond

Do want to speak beyond Toastmasters for a Great Cause?
"Rocky Mountain Red Cross is offering training to be on their Speakers Bureau. Here is what was sent out by the Denver Office.

The Red Cross Speakers Bureau is an opportunity for trained speakers to go out into the community and spread the message and mission of the Red Cross through a variety of presentations. Becoming a member of the speakers bureau allows you to bring a face to the name of the Red Cross by engaging audience members in our mission and our goals. Whether you are reaching out to a school or an organization, you have the ability to touch someone with the message of the Red Cross.

-Contribute your time and talent to help the world's largest humanitarian organization
-Gain excellent opportunities to practice your speaking skills in front of a variety of audiences
-Give back to your community through the Red Cross
-Meet new people

Those interested must demonstrate the following:
-Excellent communication and speaking skills
-Knowledge of the Red Cross mission, history, and services
-Represent the Red Cross in a professional and enthusiastic manner
-Ability to commit to at least 3 speeches a year, based on availability

Part I: Key Messaging and Speaking Seminar- 3/28/13 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Part II: Speech Demonstration- 4/2/13 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Those interested may contact Natalie Bogard, Community Outreach Coordinator, at"
-Tom Hobbs 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hierarchy of needs

Part of District Trio training was discussing Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.
Abraham Maslow theorized this psychology of what human needs that should be satisfied first, before moving on to other needs.

Maslow's hierarchy applied to a person's experience in joining Toastmasters , and progressing through the journey. 

How can our club use this information to help our guests, new members, and existing members get the most out of their Toastmaster experience?

Click on image to see full view

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Think like a writer

Give killer presentations: Think like a writer

PowerPoint presentations can be boring, learn how to communicate the 'write' way.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Simply Speaking Bloggers: Remember to let your group know you created a blog post.

Simply Speaking Google Group

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

President’s Distinguished Club

Want to learn what it took for Simply Speaking Toastmasters to earned President’s Distinguished Club?  

Go to and read pages 3 and 4. 

No one person does it alone, Congratulations Simply Speaking!! 


Simply Speaking Minutes
Colorado Community Church
February 7, 2013

Another great meeting at Colorado Community Church began with the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Margaret Seyer.

The theme was “Community” and the Word of the Day was “Denizen” n. inhabitant; one that frequents a place.

Toastmaster/Inspirator Concetta Palmieri used a quote from Lady Bird Johnson, explaining the importance of community.  In the frontier days neighbors were few so community was important, today community is important because there are so many of us.  

First speaker Alan Swartz’s speech “What Will They Say” talked about what people might say when we pass on.  He covered events and people in his life and asked what we want to be remembered for.  He pointed out that it’s the people’s lives we touch that are more important.  Thanks, Alan, for a very thought provoking speech!

In her speech “How Does Your Garden Grow” Kelli Malcom pointed out that the thoughts we keep can be either good seeds or bad seeds.  She told us that forming false beliefs plants “weed seeds” in the gardens of our lives.  This speech comes at a special time in Kelli’s life as she hears a different calling.  Thanks, Kelli, for a great speech with awesome advice!

Third speaker, Gigi De Gala, spoke about leadership.  Asking for comments from the audience, she listed several traits of an effective leader.  She pointed out that a good leader will take charge and can influence people.  It was pointed out that value systems and leadership styles play an important role, too.   Thanks, Gigi, for a great and informative speech on leadership.

Table Topics were led by Margaret Seyer.  Participants included David Bounds, guest Monica Alvirez, and Ed Pens.

General Evaluator Deborah Frauenfelder introduced and evaluated the evaluators.  She also evaluated the meeting, which started on time and moved smoothly along under the guidance of first time Toastmaster Concetta Palmieri.

Tom Marrs evaluated Alan’s speech.  Alan had a great opening telling us that the lives we touch are more important than our accomplishments.  Alan did a great job switching between his spirit and the person giving the eulogy.  

Connie Akins began her evaluation based on Kelli’s theme in her speech.  Kelli opened asking us to close our eyes and imagine ourselves in an English garden.  She also told Kelli that she  planted a seed in Simply  Speaking when she joined us.

No evaluator was needed for Gigi’s speech since hers was an educational speech from the Leadership Excellence series.

Timekeeper Maura Thompson reported that Kelli was the only speaker in time.  Table Topics participants and evaluators were also in time.  

Pete Hazlet was our “Ah” Counter for the evening.  He did a great job keeping track of all the ahs and ums, including his own.

Grammarian Will Osagiede reported some great lines people used.  He also counted the use of the word of the day.

Quizmaster Joel Weissman tested our listening skills as he asked us questions about what people said in their speeches, table topics, and evaluations.

Awards went to
Best Evaluator: Connie Akins
Best Table Topics: Ed Pens
Best Speaker: Kelli Malcom

Present at the meeting:
Margaret Seyer, Pete Hazlet, Kelli Malcom, Will Osagiede, Ed Pens, Alan Swartz, Maura Thompson, Deborah Frauenfelder, David Bounds, Gigi De Gala, Tom Marrs, Connie Akins, Joel Weissman, Cybele Antonow, Concetta Palmieri, Diane Nuss, Sherry Thomas .

Guests: Xiao Laing, Monica Alvirez and Judy Dishman

  • Simply Speaking is now PRESIDENT'S DISTINGUISHED
  • No meeting February 14th
  • Team Building party @ Cybele's Sunday Feb. 10th, 2013 at 3pm
  • Toastmasters International and Table Topics contest February 28th
  • Guest Speaker Hillary Blair March 7th
  • Toatamonials page to be added to Simply Speaking Website, please submit yours to Maura
  • Blog is full of useful information, visit weekly
  • Meeting Roles are on the website

Next meeting February 21, 2013
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Simply Speaking Bloggers: Remember to let your group know you created a blog post.

Simply Speaking Google Group

Linked In

Are you on Linked In? If so be sure to join The Official Toastmasters International Members Group and  Toastmasters International -- District 26

Both are full of information, discussions and ideas for growing into the best you. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tips from a Legendary Speechwriter

Tips from a Legendary Speechwriter

Famed speechwriter Ted Sorensen worked alongside John F. Kennedy for 11 years and was one of Kennedy’s most trusted advisers. He hears echoes of Kennedy in Obama.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Simply Speaking Minutes
Colorado Community Church
January 31, 2013

Our meeting at Colorado Community Church began with Seargen-at-Arms Joe Long leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  He then introduced our Toastmaster for the evening, Diane Nuss.

The theme was “Valentine’s Day” and the Word of the Day was “Idyllic” adjective –serenely beautiful and happy; simple and unspoiled; peaceful, calm, tranquil.

Inspirator Felicia Arambula used the “F” word - Fail.  The stage is a place for us to fail; sometimes we do a good job and other times not so good.  We might fail, but we keep practicing and coming back, so we get better and don’t fail.

First speaker Joy Davidson, in her speech “Surviving the Storm” kept us riveted as she told us of a “flash flood of life events” she endured.  In a speech intended to arouse emotions she told us of her mother’s stroke, moving her mother to Denver from Grand Junction.  She endured several other tragic life events and had to find “the best new normal” as she adjusted to the changes.  Thanks, Joy, for a very emotional and riveting speech.

Our second speaker, Maura Thompson, shared her experiences with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in her speech titled “M.I.A.”.  This is something that affects 4% to 6% of the population, maybe more.  It usually occurs in the winter as days become shorter and we have less sunlight.  It usually affects young adult women, but can affect women of any age, as well as men.  Light therapy is one of the many options available to treat the disease. She explained that she was Missing In Action (M.I.A.) recently because of her SAD. Thank you, Maura, for sharing your story with us.

Third speaker, Deborah Frauenfelder gave a speech, “Customer Service in a Technical Support Call Center”.   With much enthusiasm she explained how we, as Toastmasters, have a great organization to support us and that other club members are our customers as we support each other.  She explained the different levels roles of governors, as well as their roles.  Deborah had a handout that showed the different levels of Toastmasters, from club members to the world headquarters.  Thanks for a very informative speech, Deborah!

Table Topics Master Ed Pens provided some great questions to the participants.  They included guests Xiao Liang, Amber Lattner, Ricardo Hernandez, and member Darryle Brown.

General Evaluator Alan Swartz introduced the evaluators, as well as evaluating the meeting and the evaluators.  

Kelli Malcom evaluated Joy’s speech.  She told Joy that she had a strong opening, moving across the stage as she told us of each event that happened.  Kelli told Joy that she had a very powerful and emotional speech.  She also offered suggestions for Joy.

Maura’s evaluator, Darryle Brown, complimented her on explaining Seasonal Affective Disorder.  She listed symptoms, used references, and had used visual aids.  He also offered suggestions to make her speech better like using more visible graphics .

Third evaluator, Pete Hazlet, complimented Deborah on her handouts and explaining the role of governors. He also told her that looking at our fellow club members as our customers offers us a new way to look at each other.  He also offered her suggestions for improvement.

Timekeeper Will Osagiede reported that only Joy’s speech was in time.  Table Topics participants Xiao, Amber, and Darryle were in time.  Evaluators Kelli and Darryle were also in time.

Gigi De Gala was our “Ah” Counter for the evening.  She did a great job keeping track of all the ahs and ums.

Grammarian David Bounds reported some great lines people used.  He also said the word of the day was used four times.

Quizmaster Joe Long tested our listening skills as he asked us questions about what people said in their speeches, table topics, and evaluations.

Awards went to:
Best Evaluator: Kelli Malcom
Best Table Topics: Amber Lattner
Best Speaker: Joy Davidson

Present at the meeting:
Darryle Brown, Margaret Seyer, Pete Hazlet, Kelli Malcom, Will Osagiede, Ed Pens, Diane Nuss Alan Swartz, Maura Thompson, Deborah Frauenfelder, David Bounds, Gigi De Gala Felicia, Joe Long, Felicia Arambula, Joy Davidson, Sherry Thomas, and Lee Johnson .

Guests: Xiao Laing, Amber Lattner, and Ricardo Hernandez

Next meeting February 7, 2013
No meeting on February 14

    • Orbiting Toastmasters holds meetings on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays 11:45 A.M. to 12:45 P.M. They meet at Aurora Central library and everyone’s welcome!
    • Team Party on Sunday Feb. 10th, 2013 at 3pm. Check your email for address and list of items needed.
    • Toastmasters International and Table Topics contest February 28th. 
    • No meeting on Valentine's Day, February 14th

    Tuesday, February 5, 2013

    11 words you're probably mispronouncing

    11 words you're probably mispronouncing... I think we all have #1 wrong....