Thursday, October 11, 2012

Simply Speaking Minutes
Colorado Community Church

It was another great meeting for Simply Speaking with Gigi De Gala as our Toastmaster for the evening.  

The theme was “Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us”.  She gave an example by saying that in her country saying you don’t like the president would get you thrown in jail.

The word of the day was “resonate, a verb” to relate harmoniously, strike a chord, or to receive a sympathetic response.

Sergeant-at-Arms Margaret Seyer led us in the pledge of allegiance before introducing Gigi, our Toastmaster for the evening.  She also reminded us to turn off our cell phones.

Our Inspirator for the evening was Dale Jenkel.  He reminded us to capture the moment.

Rick Burton gave us his icebreaker by telling us he is lucky to be alive.  He said his mom asked him if he had a death wish.  Two examples included the time he went into water that was too deep and he went for a run in 118 degree heat with his dog.

Second speaker Will Osagiede entertained us with his speech on political brokenness.  Using some great visuals and humor, he gave us a laugh at the two major parties.

Kathy Fortune gave a speech, “Don’t Make Assumptions” filled with humor about how easy it is to make assumptions about people In any given situation.  One example involved she and her husband tried to go skiing in Loveland and are upset when no one in town would tell them where the mountain was, they assumed it was because they are black. It turned out they were in Loveland, CO instead of Loveland ski resort.

Maura Thompson, as our table topics master asked what resonated with us in several categories.  Her questions were tailored to give us the opportunity to use the word of the day.  Participants were Diane Nuss, Felicia Arambula, Joy Davidson, Ed Pens, and Pete Hazlet.

General Evaluator Sherry Thomas introduced the evaluators as well as evaluating them and the meeting. She mentioned how well the accomplished evaluators summarized, praised, made suggestions and praised again.  The meeting started on time and we had a very charming toastmaster in Gigi De Gala.

Evaluator Cybele Antonow spoke about Rick’s confidence and he used no notes.  She said he showed his stubborn side and it probably kept him alive.

Deborah Frauenfelder evaulation complimented Will on his great visuals to provide an entertaining speech.

In evaluating Kathy’s speech Connie Akins complimented her on great delivery and humor.
Timer Anne Tacznosky informed us that all speakers, evaluators, and table topics participants were in time.  

Ah counter, Kreg Lyles, keeping track of the “ah’s” and other filler words said there were very few.

Grammarian Diane Nuss  said Maura had used the word of the day six times. Maura said she was "making up" for all the times she never uses WOD.  It had also been used by several others.

Quizmaster Leo Chen put our listening skills to the test. Keeping us on our toes, he asked questions about what was mentioned in speeches and table topics. 

Toastmaster Gigi handed out the awards and recognized our guests.  She then introduced Cybele to make a few announcements.

The awards were presented to:
Table Topics:  Diane Nuss and Joy Davidson (a tie!)
Best Evaluator:  Connie Akins
Best Speaker:  Rick Burton

Cybele reminded us that the Denver Division Speech and Evaluation Contest is Saturday October 13th at 8:00 am. Additional Information

Cybele also announced the 2012 Fall Conference will be Nov 9th & 10th Additional Information

Treasurer Felicia Arambula reminded us that dues are due.

Maura Thompson reminded us we can always get information about the upcoming events on our website

Next meeting is October 11, same time, same place.  
If you haven’t been in a while please come back and see what you've been missing.

Members present:
Dale Jenkel, Pete Hazlet, Sherry Londo-Thomas, Diane Nuss, Cybele Antonow,  Felicia Arambula, Kathy Fortune, Anne Tacznowsky, Maura Thompson, Gigi De Gala, Rick Burton, Margaret Seyer, Deborah Frauenfelder, Ed Pens, Will Osagiede, Leo Chen, Joy Davidson, Kreg Lyles, and Connie Akins.

Guest: Margaret Seyer Sr, James & Delores Synoviec, Amleset Desta, Doug Williams, and Gene & Deborah Rogers.

Simply Speaking Bloggers: Remember to let your group know you created a blog post.

Simply Speaking Google Group

Simply Speaking Minutes
Colorado Community Church

Sergeant-at-Arms Margaret Seyer led us in the pledge of allegiance before introducing Cybele, our Toastmaster for the evening.

It was another great meeting for Simply Speaking with Cybele Antonow as our Toastmaster for the evening.  

The theme was “Great Communication: The Key to Success”.  
The word of the day was “reciprocity” meaning mutual exchange.

Inspirator Pete Hazlet gave a short, but poignant inspiration from poet E. E. Cummings, “The most wasted of all days is one without laughter”.

Mauricio Cortes’s speech was titled “Slowing Down”.  He told us that in his younger years he was known as “The Extreme” because of all his risk taking activities, think rugby or mixed martial arts.  His efforts to slow down included golf, skeet shooting, and fly fishing.   He also introduced us to his new best friend, the cortisone shot.

Darryle Brown (who agreed to fill in that day) rocked us with “Rock the Interview Part 3: Win the Job/Promotion”.  Darryle was prepared, as he recommends for interviews, since he was called on at the last minute.  He urged us to practice for the interview to relieve jitters and make a great impression.  He said that what you do before the interview affects what happens during the interview.

Anne Tacznowsky, in her speech, told us about Greta, a woman with great compassion for others, wanting to change career paths.  She started doing data entry at the Denver Rescue Mission and eventually moved up into a position of leadership.  She surrounded herself with people who shared her vision.  Anne also reminded us that leadership is measured by results.

Leo Chen was our table topics master.  Using the method recommended in the manual he asked the question before calling someone up to speak.  In his debut effort as the Table Topics master he did a magnificent job with some great questions relating to where the participants were born.  Participants included Joel Weismann, Sherry Thomas, Danae Deal, and Ed Pens.

General Evaluator Alan Swartz introduced the evaluators as well as giving them an evaluation.  He gave them high marks for their evaluations.  The meeting started on time.  His evaluation of the meeting included a thank you for Cybele, who put together a great meeting and found a replacement speaker in Darryle at the last minute.   

Maura Thompson’s evaluation of Mauricio focused on his great humor. She recommended he pause during the laughter allowing the group to hear his next line.  She also mentioned his great use of the stage and natural gestures.

Felicia Arambula was the evaluator for Darryle.   She was impressed by his show of genuine concern for his audience.  He also offered a lot of good information and inspiring words for us.

Kathy Fortune commended Anne for her topic.  She told Anne she picked someone with great concern for others.  Her subject also had a great crescendo of development.  Anne also had a great line ‘Lead by example”.

Timer Dale Jenkel said that Mauricio’s and Anne’s speeches were in time.  All table topics participant s were also in time.

Diane Nuss was the ah counter, keeping track of the “ah’s”  and other filler words.  Two people had none.

Grammarian David Bounds kept track of our grammar.  He also captured some great lines in the speeches like Ed Pens’s description of “the heavy air of L. A., Anne’s “lead by example” , or “When your very fears are realized” and  “my new best friend, the cortisone shot”.

Quizmaster Danae Deal, (also filling in at the last minute) tested our listening skills.

Toastmaster Cybele Antonow handed out the awards and recognized our guests.  

The awards were presented to:
Table Topics:  Sherry Londo-Thomas
Best Evaluator:  Maura Thompson
Best Speaker:  Mauricio Cortes

Area Humorous contest Tuesday October 2  7:00 p.m.
Dues are due

Next meeting is October 4, same time, same place.  If you haven’t been in a while please come back.

Members present:
Dale Jenkel, Darryle Brown, Pete Hazlet, Sherry Londo-Thomas, Diane Nuss, Cybele Antonow, Alan Swartz, Felicia Arambula, Kathy Fortune,  Danae Deal, Anne Tacznowsky, Joel Weismann,  Mauricio Cortes, Maura Thompson, and returning member Ed Pens.  Welcome back, Ed!

Guests: Maria & Gary Thomas, Jonna Castle, and Concetta Palmieri.

Simply Speaking Bloggers: Remember to let your group know you created a blog post.

Simply Speaking Google Group

Simply Speaking Minutes
Colorado Community Church
9/20/2012 Humorous Speech  and Evaluation Contest

A great test speaker and lots of humor were on tap for this very special contest.  We started on time with Sergeant-at-Arms Pete Hazlet calling the meeting to order and a reminder to turn off all cell phones.  He then led us in the pledge of allegiance.  

Chief judge Alan Swartz explained the roles and the timing of speeches.  He also explained how the meeting would progress and introduced Toastmaster Margaret Seyer.

Test Speaker Ousmane Ndoye of Absolutely Articulate gave a speech titled “Stand with No Excuses”.  He told about his life in Africa.  His parents divorced when he was young.  They were poor and he had to live in a compound with his father, who physically abused him.  He found himself on a beach one day kneeling, crying, and asking himself “Is this why I was born?’  He eventually move to the United States for a better life and remembering the words of his grandmother “no excuses”.  He compared them to viruses or mushrooms, spreading everywhere.  In a very riveting and inspiring speech he told us that if you don’t fight them they will destroy everything.

Sergeant-at-Arms Davorka Lipovscak escorted the evaluators from the room for the evaluation contest.   She brought each contestant in for their evaluations of Ousmane’s speech. 

Cybele Antonow was the first evaluator.  She found it heartwarming when he was on the beach crying “Is this why I was born?’  She also liked the analogy of excuses being like a virus that would destroy everything.  Using the sandwich approach, she also offered feedback on what he could do to improve his speech, as well as complimenting him on a great speech.

Evaluator Lee Johnson said Ousmane took us on an emotional journey.  He commented on Ousmane’s analogy comparing excuses to viruses or mushrooms growing here and there.  Lee also offered suggestions in his sandwich approach and commented on a great speech that offered up Abraham Lincoln and Dr Martin Luther King Jr as examples of people who did not use excuses.

Final evaluator Tom Marrs said he was inspired by the speech.  He said it seems like everyone is trying to come up with excuses for why they fail or why things go wrong.  He brought out the point that Ousmane made, saying that he talked back to his excuses and laughed at them.  He too used the sandwich approach in his evaluation by offering suggestions and congratulating Ousmane on a great speech.

The humorous speech contest got under way with Mauricio Cortes revealing his funny side.  In his speech, titled “Coming Out” he started talking about the macho things men like to do.  Men like to watch football, drink kegs of beer and have triple meat pizza from Domino’s.   He then explained that it was time to come out, to reveal something that he really enjoys.... scented candles.  He even brought a few for some of the men and said he has gotten bold enough to burn two different fragrances at the same time.

Just when you thought the sidesplitting laughter was over, Cybele Antonow told us about her time on Fear Factor Live.  She asked “did you ever sign up for something only to ask yourself ‘Why am I doing this”  The first challenge was to walk out on a plank 40 feet up.   She held onto a bar as the plank dropped out from under her, leaving her to hold on.  She had to outlast three other contestants.   This, and another challenge involving retrieving balls wore our president out (not that I could do any better !)! 

Maura Thompson told us about her dream. It starts with winning a table topics contest and being congratulated by President Obama. He would ask her "to be his Boo." (he and Mrs Obama having broke up) and say that he could not will the election with out her impromptu speaking skills.  She would agree,  he would win and her dream would come true as she became Maura Shannon Obama becoming the First Lady and bringing World Peace.

Rick Burton rounded out the comedy portion of the contest with his speech titled “Beauty Transformed”.  He started out with the statement “Beauty is only skin deep”, a line that has been around so long it’s become trite.   We need some new slogans, like “if life hands you a lemon, put it in your bra”. He went on to describe how he adopted the ugliest dog in the shelter but loves him greatly because is only skin deep.

Awards went to the following people:

3rd Place:  Lee Johnson
2nd Place: Cybele Antonow

1st Place: Tom Marrs

3rd Place: Mauricio Cortes
2nd Place: Cybele Antonow
1st Place: Maura Thompson

Deborah Frauenfelder offered her congratulations to all who participated.  Cybele Antonow also thanked and acknowledged all who participated.  The D6 Area Contest is Tuesday October 2.

Members present:
Margaret Seyer, Pete Hazlet, Davorka Lipovscak, Zelimir Adamic, Mauricio Cortes, Leo Chen, Deborah Frauenfelder, Dale Jenkel, Cybele Antonow, Tom Marrs, Rick Burton,  Lee Johnson, Felicia Arambula, Alan Swartz, Connie Akins, Maura Thompson, Kathy Fortune, Sherry Thomas, Diane Nuss, & Danae Deal.

Guests included Margaret Seyer Sr, Betty Funderburk, Virginia Deal, Ousmane Ndoye, Curtis Eubanks &  district treasurer Joanna Knot.

Chairperson: Dale Jenkel
Chief Judge: Alan Swartz
Timers: Diane Nuss & Leo Chen
Toastmaster: Margaret Seyer
Sergeant-at-Arms: Davorka Lipovscak & Pete Hazlet
Judges: Curtis Eubanks, Joanna Knot, Felicia Arambula, Connie Akins,&  Deborah Frauenfelder,
Refreshments coordinators: Lee Johnson & Rick Burton
Ballot Counters: Sherry Londo-Thomas & Pete Hazlet (filling in)
Test Speaker: Ousmane Ndoye

Simply Speaking Bloggers: Remember to let your group know you created a blog post.

Simply Speaking Google Group

Simply Speaking Minutes
Colorado Community Church

The theme for this meeting was “Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success”.  

The word of the day was “synergy”: (noun) the interaction of elements that when combined produce a 

total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements.

Deborah Frauenfelder was our Sergeant-at-Arms and she led us in the pledge of allegiance before introducing Toastmaster Gigi De Gala.

Our Inspirator for the evening was Cybele Antonow who reminded us that we are all important and the roles we fill are important.  She left us with this quote from the movie “The Help” “you is kind, you is smart, you is important”’ Amen to that!

Tom Marrs was our first speaker of the evening urging us to be mediocre, most of the world is anyway.  With great speaking skills and a PowerPoint presentation to support him he proved his point and gave us a great speech on how to make an effective PowerPoint presentation.

Connie Akins brought back Jolene with some Pearls of Southern Wisdom.  Jolene assured us she is not an attention hog.  She also said she knew the meaning of “synergy” – sinning with energy!  You've got to hand it to southern women.

Darryle Brown, in speech number three for the evening, presented “Rock the Interview” part 2.  He reminded us that many times the interviewer is just as nervous as the interviewee.  We must see interviews as fact gathering meet and greet.  Be prepared to sell yourself & remember that success is not spontaneous.

Diane Nuss was our Table Topics master and we had some great answers, as well as first time jitters.  Participants included guest & former member Abigail Smucker, as well as guests Erica Beaudrey and Terry Hiden.

General Evaluator Deborah Frauenfelder introduced the evaluators and gave an evaluation of the meeting which started on time after someone mentioned the clock was a little fast.  She also offered her evaluation of the evaluators, noting their strengths as well as offering suggestions.

Kathy Fortune evaluated Tom’s technical speech.  She said she thought it would be like watching paint dry.  She was as surprised as we were that it so humorous.  In her evaluation she kidded him saying “the opposite of a motivational speech, how dare you!”  She also thanked him for making it fun to watch the paint dry.

Dale Jenkel gave kudos to Connie for her humorous speech and noted another one of her great lines “I was born sassy”.  He was greatly impressed with her confidence and at how at ease she was on the stage.

Felicia Arambula evaluated Darryle.   She mentioned that he has a strong voice, as well as a strong presence.  He offered a lot of details in his speech, helpful details such as the interview is an opportunity to see if you’re both a good fit.  She also said she aspires to be like Darryle, to be a rock star and tame those butterflies.

Timer Sherry Thomas said that all participants were in time.

Ah counter Rick Burton kept track of the “ah’s” & other filler words.

Grammarian Pete Hazlet kept track of grammar usage and great lines like “ the opposite of a motivational speech”  while Quizmaster Alan Swartz tested our listening skills.

The awards were presented to:
Table Topics:  guests Abigail Smucker & Erica Beaudrey (YES, a tie)
Best Evaluator:  Felicia Arambula
Best Speaker:  Connie Akins

President Cybele Antonow reminded us there is a humorous speech contest on 9/20, participants need to be there early.  She also reminded us to not speak during speeches, or interrupt speakers during their speeches unless they ask for audience participation.

Treasurer Felicia Arambula reminded us that dues are due.

Next meeting is September 20, Humorous Speech Contest

Members present:
Dale Jenkel, Joe Long,  Darryle Brown, Pete Hazlet, Sherry Londo-Thomas,  Deborah Frauenfelder, Diane Nuss, Gigi De Gala, Cybele Antonow, Alan Swartz, Connie Akins, Tom Marrs, Rick Burton, Felicia Arambula, Kathy Fortune,

Guests: Terry Hiden, Joy Davidson – soon to be a member, Abigail Smucker & her soon to be fiancé Michael David, Brandon Auger & Erica Beaudrey(engaged couple), Jennifer Peele, Rita Ward, & Lachance Pickett(daughter of former member Monica Brown)

Simply Speaking Bloggers: Remember to let your group know you created a blog post.

Simply Speaking Google Group

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ready to pay your dues?

Hello Humorous people!

Our contest is tonight, but you can still pay your dues!  I will be there to collect dues before and after the contest. 

Here is the info:

What: Simply Speaking Toastmasters Membership Dues

When: By 9/30/12

How much: $48 - covers 6 months of membership - what a bargain!

How to pay: You have two options:
1) Bring a check in to the meeting on 9/20 or 9/27 - I will collect all checks.
2) Mail a check to: 19428 E. Crestridge Circle, Centennial, CO 80015

The due date is coming up soon!  Check your budget and pay soon!


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Simply Speaking Minutes
Colorado Community Church
The theme was “Happiness is….being a Toastmaster!” 
The word of the day was loquacious – talkative, gabby, chatty, garrulous.
 With two folk tales for speeches it was a story book night.   Joel Weissman filling in as Sergeant of Arms we opened with a reminder to turn off our cell phones and the Pledge of Allegiance.  Joel then introduced us to Toastmaster Dale Jenkel. 
Our Inspirator, Leo Chen told us of an athlete who had lost many games, had been called on to take the winning shot and missed 26 times, and is a six-time NBA champion named Michael Jordan.  Leo urged us to be like Mike, get in the game and keep trying because every time we try we get better. 
 Sherry Thomas shared her version of Repunzel with Repunzel: The Remix.  Oakley and Agnes lived next store to an evil witch who grew a plant called Repunzel.  Oakley was caught stealing the plant and had to surrender his daughter to the witch, who locked Repunzel in a tower.  Repunzel was eventually saved by a prince who married her.  Of course her hair kept growing and had to be cut.  That led Repunzel to opening a hair weaving business.  Some of her customers included Goldilocks, Cinderella, and Snow White!
Darryle Brown, our second speaker, gave us a speech titled “Win the Interview, Win the Job/Promotion.  It is a ten part series in which he answered the question “Why interview?”  Now we know the answer and you can learn why and many other things during this ten –part series.  He told us about his years working for the Denver Sheriff’s Department, getting laid off and landing a new job soon after because of the skills he learned at Toastmasters.
Marcy Brack, our third and final speaker for the evening told the story of the Velveteen Rabbit.  The toy rabbit was given to a small boy who loved the rabbit and told it someday it would be a real rabbit.  He later became very ill and had to be quarantined.  All his toys were put out by the trash and the Velveteen Rabbit started to cry, he was turning real.  In the spring the boy was recovered and saw his toy rabbit was real as it played with the other rabbits.  She ended with a great line, “It doesn’t matter what you look like as long as you are loved”
David Bounds led the Table Topics with questions related to fairy tales.  Participants included guest Joy Davidson with her interview as Red Riding in the hood.  Concetta Palmnieri was another guest with what people will have at Applebee’s –Mary will have a little lamb and Red will be wolfing down her food.  Guest Rich Burton had to tell the story of the 4th little pig and Louis Kamga-Ngameni talked about the ass in the lion’s den.
Diane Nuss was our General Evaluator for the evening.  She introduced the evaluators, as well as evaluating the meeting, which started on time and moved along very nicely.  She also evaluated the evaluators, commenting on their strong points.
Will Osagiede said in his evaluation of Sherry Thomas that she told it as if she had written it.  He also noted that Sherry has a knack for telling stories.
Kathy Fortune was equally enthralled with Darryle’s topic on interviewing.  She appreciated the fact that he drew on his own experiences for his speech.
Pete Hazlet told Marcy that her speech was great.  It was vivid and people wer drawn to it and it was easy to visualize the boy getting the rabbit, becoming sick and having to throw out all his toys.  Of course it had a happy ending and a great closing line.
Anne Tacznosky was our timer for the evening and she did a great job of keeping time.
Joel Weissman was our Ah counter, catching them all, unfortunately.  But that is an opportunity for all to learn, too.  This was Joel’s first time in this role, too.
Margaret Seyer filled in as the Grammarian, keeping track of who used the Word of the Day which was used eight times, not counting the two times after her report.
Quizmaster Dale Jenkel tested our listening and memory skills for the evening.  As Toastmaster he also handed out the awards.

The awards were presented to:
Table Topics:  Concetta Palmieri
Best Evaluator:  Pete Hazlet
Best Speaker:  Sherry Londo-Thomas

Next meeting is August 30, same time, same place.   Please sign up for a role.
Members present: Dale Jenkel, David Bounds, Margaret Seyer,  Louis Kamga, Darryle Brown, Leo Chen, Pete Hazlet, Sherry Londo-Thomas,  Deborah Frauenfelder, Kathy Fortune, Diane Nuss, Joel Weismann, Anne Tacznosky, Cybele Antonow ,Will Osagiede, and Marcy Brack .

Guests: Rick Burton, Margaret Seyer Sr, Joy Davidson, and Concetta Palmier

Simply Speaking Bloggers: Remember to let your group know you created a blog post.

Simply Speaking Google Group

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Simply Speaking Minutes

The Word for the day was Evocative – bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind. 
The theme for the evening was “Ride the Rail”, as in light rail, something everyone should for getting places.

Margaret Seyer filled in as sergeant-at-arms and led us in the pledge of allegiance after the call to order and the reminder to turn off cell phones.  She then introduced the Toastmaster for the evening, Deborah Frauenfelder.  

Felicia Arambula was our Inspirator with a simple message – smile.  It can make you feel better.  She also urged us to smile before we start our speeches to ease nervousness and we as audience members should smile at the speaker. 

First speaker Maura Thompson titled her speech “How’s About a Roll”, but it wasn’t the kind you eat.  She showed us new links to meeting roles and covered the responsibilities of each role.  Her purpose was to get us all on the same page in performing the roles we select.  More information is available on the website.  Great job, Maura!

The second speech, “Staying in Shape:’ presented by David Bounds told us the story of a young girl in Colorado Springs who decided she didn’t like circles anymore.  She was undecided on what she liked, but David was definitely in favor of circles because of their round, continuous shape.

Kathy Fortune astounded us with her soulful interpretation of narrative poetry.  There are five types of poetry, and Kathy did a super job with this. 

Alan Swartz was our Table Topics master for the evening, offering some evocative questions for the participants.  Participants included Diane Nuss, Davorka Lipovscak, Connie Akins,  Zelimir Adamic and guest Rick Burton.

Margaret Seyer was our General Evaluator for the evening.  She introduced the evaluators, Ah counter, Grammarian and Quizmaster, as well as evaluating the meeting, which started on time and moved along very nicely.  She also evaluated the evaluators, commenting on the great job they all did.

Joel Weismann provided an excellent evaluation for Maura’s presentation on selecting roles and researching them so we know what’s expected of us when we fill a role.  He also complemented her for making the website very interesting.

Second evaluator Leo Chen complemented David Bounds on his great humor and said David missed his calling.  He also noted David’s visuals with the picture of the little girl and use of the whiteboard.

Danae Deal finished up the evaluations with her fine evaluation of Kathy Fortune.  Danae complimented Kathy for her strong vocals, great interpretation and speaking skills.  She also noted she got a lot of meaning from the selection.
Great job by all three evaluators on three great speeches!

Connie Akins kept track of the time. We had two speakers and all Table Topics participants were in time.
Darryle Brown counted all the ah’s and other filler words.  He mentioned who went over five and those who have improved.
Lee Johnson filled the role of Grammarian, keeping track of who used the Word of the Day which was used six times, three of those by Alan.
Kreg Lyles was the quizmaster, who did a fabulous job tested our listening and memory skills.

The awards were presented to:
Table Topics:  Davorka Lipovscak
Best Evaluator:  Leo Chen, his first time in that role!
Best Speaker:  Kathy Fortune

Next meeting is August 23, 2012 same time, same place.  
Feel free to sign up for a role.

Members present:
Dale Jenkel, David Bounds, Margaret Seyer,  Kreg Lyons, Darryle Brown, Leo Chen, Pete Hazlet, Sherry Londo-Thomas, Zelimir Adamic,  Deborah Frauenfelder,  Felicia Arambula, Danae Deal, Kathy Fortune, Connie Akins, Davorka Lipovscak, Alan Swartz, Diane Nuss, Joel Weismann, Maura Thompson, and Marcy Brack .

Guests: Rick Burton, Margaret Seyer, Sr, and Colleen Shannon .

Simply Speaking Bloggers: Remember to let your group know you created a blog post.

Simply Speaking Google Group

Monday, August 13, 2012

Simply Speaking Minutes
The word of the day “empower”, which means to be given authority or power to do a task. 
Our theme for the evening was “Turning your weaknesses into growth opportunities”.
What a fantastic meeting we had this Thursday night.  The meeting was opened with Joel Weismann filling in as sergeant-at-arms. Joel led us in the pledge of allegiance after the call to order and the reminder to turn off cell phones.   He then introduced the Toastmaster for the evening, Darryle Brown. 
Our Inspirator for the evening was Connie Akins, who told us to connect with our passion to empower ourselves to rise above our problems in this dog-eat-dog world.
Deborah Frauenfelder was our first speaker.  She described her skiing lessons in Tyrol, Austria and showed us the difference between going downhill in Europe and the United States.  After several falls she was told to sit and rest.  She was back at it the next day, and finally, on Thursday, she went down a ski ramp and had a perfect landing!  She definitely connected with her passion and determination to rise to that challenge!  Great speech, Deborah!
Second speaker, Mauricio Cortes, when asked to give advice told us he gives guidelines instead.  His examples were to trust yourself, create the type of individual you can live with; we act and believe, trust and believe; the key is to keep company with those who uplift you.  Great 3rd speech from Mauricio!
Sherry Thomas was our third speaker and gave speech #2 from the Storytelling Manual.  It was a vivid retelling of a visit to her grandparents.  A call from an Aunt informed Sherry’s grandmother of Uncle Nod’s death.  Her grandmother screamed into the phone ”Hattie what happened?” and started  crying when told about the death but when someone reminded Grandma that she didn’t like Uncle Nod it was “like somebody turned the faucet off” in Sherry’s words.
Table Topics were presented by Anne Tacznosky with some great questions.  Participants included Ian Humphrey, Diane Nuss, Cliff Long, and Kreg Lyons.
Kathy Fortune was the General Evaluator.  She introduced the evaluators, as well as evaluating the meeting, which started on time and moved along very nicely.  She also evaluated the evaluators, commenting on the great job they all did.
Kreg Lyles was the evaluator for Deborah Frauenfelder.   She got high marks for dressing the part with a vest and gloves as if she was actually skiing.  She gave a very vivid speech with swooshing down the mountain and falling to show us her many falls.  Kreg also offered suggestions on how Deborah might do the speech differently.   Excellent job, Kreg!
Second evaluator Felicia Arambula commented on Mauricio Cortes’s speech with his subtlety in getting his proposals across.  He also used only three note cards, which had his proposals written on.  She also provided feedback on how he might do differently.  Great job, Felicia!
Evaluator Pete Hazlet was impressed with Sherry Thomas’s vivid retelling of the visit to her grandparent’s house.  Sherry had great projections and vocal changes during the speech.   We could easily picture the living room and imagine ourselves there with her.  Pete also offered ideas for Sherry’s next speech.
Ah counter Cybele Antonow counted all our ah’s and other filler words and double clutches.  She also related to us how she listened to a speaker at work who had 27 ah’s in his speech!  He needs Toastmasters!
David Bounds was our Grammarian, keeping track of who used the Word of the Day  
Margaret Seyer was our Quizmaster, testing our listening skills.
The awards were presented to :
Table Topics:  Ian Humphrey (Did I mention he’s in another speech contest, in Orlando?)
Best Evaluator:  Felicia Arambula
Best Speaker:  Deborah Frauenfelder

Members present:
Dale Jenkel, David Bounds, Margaret Seyer,  Kreg Lyons, Darryle Brown, Leo Chen, Pete Hazlet, Sherry Londo-Thomas, Zelimir Adamic, Anne Tacznosky,  Deborah Frauenfelder,  Felicia Arambula, Kathy Fortune, Connie Akins, Tom Marrs, Diane Nuss, Mauricio Cortes, Cybele Antonow, and Joel Weismann
Guests:  Cliff Long, Ed Pens, and Ian Humphrey.
Next meeting is August 16 and Deborah will be our Toastmaster.   Don’t miss signing up for a role!

Simply Speaking Bloggers: Remember to let your group know you created a blog post.

Simply Speaking Google Group

Saturday, August 11, 2012

IT'S PICNIC DAY!!!  10 am-2 pm
There will be Food, Family, Friends and FUN!
Come on down!

Remember... bring you own beverages.

Piney Creek Park 6140 S Tower Rd, Aurora, CO  MAP
Tower Rd just south of Orchard.

Simply Speaking Bloggers: Remember to let your group know you created a blog post.

Simply Speaking Google Group

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Simply Speaking Minutes

Our Word of the Day was “Fellowship” – sharing of experiences; a sharing of common interests, goals, or views.  The theme was “Be an Olympian”.
What a fantastic meeting we had this night.  The meeting started on time with Lori Bibeau filling in as sergeant-at-arms leading us in the pledge of allegiance after the call to order and the reminder to turn off cell phones.  She then turned it over to herself, as she was the Toastmaster.
Our Inspirator for the evening was Kathy Fortune.  Kathy used bugs and critters as metaphors that get in our way of working on our speeches, or whatever else we need to do.  She then offered up a humorous prayer that we may be free of bugs and critters as we write our speeches.
Our first speaker, Leo Chen, gave us his icebreaker and told us about his formative years as he moved to other countries.   His dad was a doctor for The World Health Organization and he and his sister were eventually sent to Michigan to live with a friend of his dad’s.  He’s got a great background to draw on for speeches.  Great job, Leo!
Second speaker, Darryle Brown, gave us little history on poetry before reading his poem The First Time.  Did you know that poetry was one of the earliest forms of communication?  Darryle kept us on the edge of our seats as he described, with much innuendo, his first time….. milking a cow.
Third and final speaker Anne Tacznosky did a little “Trash Talk” showing us how plastic, Styrofoam and other single use items take up space in landfills and take forever to break down – if they do at all.  By tossing items on the floor as she spoke about them Anne provided some great visuals.  She offered up a great argument for recycling, or just not using plastic and Styrofoam whenever possible.
On to Table Topics, presented by Maura Thompson, the participants were presented with some challenging questions.  With the audience saying “Today is August 12, on this day in…” with Maura presenting participants their challenges.  Participants included Kreg Lyles, Davorka Lipovscak, Deborah Frauenfelder, and Joe Long.
Lee Johnson evaluated Leo Chen’s speech and said Leo seemed to speak from the heart.  He also gave some good ideas for Leo’s next speech.
Alan Swartz evaluating Darryle Brown’s speech commented on Darryle’s great energy and movement, not to mention using a great innuendo that picked up on Darryle’s poem!  Alan also offered up some great suggestions for Darryle’s next speech.
Our third evaluator, Connie Akins, complemented Anne Tacznosky for her great opening, striking visuals, and great use of the note cards.  Connie also offered some suggestions for Anne’s next speech.
Our General Evaluator, Margaret Seyer, thanked the people who filled roles.  The meeting started on time and Marcy Brack, our Timekeeper reported all speakers and table topics participants were in time. 
Deborah Frauenfelder kept track of the “Ah’s” and Grammarian Felicia Arambula kept track of great uses of grammar.  Quizmaster Gigi De Gala tested our listening skills before Lori handed out awards.
The Gold Medal Winners:
Table Topics: Joe Long
Best Evaluator: Lee Johnson
Best Speaker: Laing (Leo) Chen
Members present: Dale Jenkel, Maura Thompson, Marcy Brack, David Bounds, Margaret Seyer, Kreg Lyons, Darryle Brown, Lori Bibeau, Lee Johnson, Leo Chen, Pete Hazlet, Sherry Londo-Thomas, Zelimir Adamic, Davorka Lipovscak, Anne Tacznosky, Deborah Frauenfelder, Joe Long, Gigi De Gala, Felicia Arambula, Kathy Fortune, Connie Akins, & Alan Swartz.
Guests:   Cliff Long and Ben Rushing.

Next meeting is August 9th Darryle Brown will be our Toastmaster.   Be sure to sign up for a role!
Simply Speaking Bloggers: Remember to let your group know you created a blog post.

Simply Speaking Google Group