Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Please confirm your roles for tomorrow night 11/10/11

Hello fello Toasties,

Tomorrow night will be a great meeting.  Please confirm your roles.

The theme is: Staring Fear straight in the Eyes and the WOD is Audacious:

1. Fearlessly, often recklessly daring; bold. See Synonyms at adventurous, brave.
2. Unrestrained by convention or propriety; insolent.
3. Spirited and original: an audacious interpretation of two Jacobean dramas.
I would love to keep the theme within the meeting.  If the tabletopics master and inspirator could use the theme and WOD in there presentation.  Extra kudos if the speakers can use the WOD in their speeches. 
1st speaker:  Lois Kamga -  Louis please let me know what book you are working out of, the speech title, objectives and time
2nd Speaker: Will Osagiede
3rd Speaker: Maura Thompson
Back up speaker:  is assigned -  If there is someone that has a speech prepared, please let me know
Evaulator 1:  Gigi de Gala
Evaulator 2:  Keith Ahrens
Evaulator 3:  Sherry Thomas
Back up Evaulator: Netia Ingram
Inspirator; Travis Ostrom
Ah Counter: Tom Marrs
Grammarian: Vanda Simpson
Timer: Lori Bibeau
Table topics Master: Connie Akins
Thank you,
Marcy Brack