Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hi all.
Will be writing speeches on the beaches in Kauii.. Not
I will be away for the next 3 meetings..Tom Marrs and Connie Akins will be here in love and support while I am away.
We had a great officer's meeting and are enthusiastic for 2011!!!
I will see everyone at the Holiday Party

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Simply Speaking's New Members Celebration Party

These are photos of last night Simply Speaking Toastmasters' new member celebration potluck party. Those that did not make it were missed and they missed a rip roaring good time!



Simply Speaking Bloggers: Remember to let your group know you created a blog post.

Simply Speaking Google Group

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Quote by Helen Keller...

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.

My micro blog - Felicia

Micro Blog

"Always criticize the performance, not the performer"
All sunshine and no rain makes a desert.

Connie Akins

Favorite Quote/line/story BLOG DAY!!!

Dear Toastie Fam,
Today is a BLOG DAY for Simply Speaking! What that mean is EVERYBODY - and, yes, means YOU! submits a micro blog  with their favorite quote, one-liner or story - or joke to our blog. 

SUBMITTING TO THE BLOG IS AS EASY!!!! Easy as sending an email. In fact, it IS sending an email. Just put the following address in you email address bar, write your mirco blog and click "send".
Your blog will be automatically published. Here's that address. I've put it in my contacts, so blogging is easy as PIE!


Try it! You'll LIKE it!

I'll throw out the first micro blog. 

Connie Akins
Chrysalis Touch

Connie Akins

VP of Membership

Simply Speaking

Monday, November 8, 2010

DevilParty smilePizzaMug Don't Miss this Friday Night! CocktailParty smilePlatePrincess

Alan's Roast!
Initial Access . Artist ... | http://www.initialaccess.co.uk/exh/46/8/unholy-truths/yue-minjun

Talent Show!
Women Dancers | http://www.old-picture.com/american-legacy/001/Dancers-Women.htm

After party!
Big Party Zone Ahead Yellow ... | http://www.balloonmaniacs.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=70_2...
All this is included in the price of the 
Conference - $40!!!
Or if you can only come Friday night,
Its only $15!!!
Date: Friday November 12, 2010
Location: Embassy Suites Hotel, 70 and Havana
Time: 7:00 - 10:00

It's going to be a Blast!!!


Fellow Toastmasters,
If anyone would like directions from where they are coming from, feel free to call me: Cybele Antonow: 720-870-1242

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Simply Speaking New Member Potluck

Hello New Members and Fellow Toastmasters,

Please save the date:

Join us in welcoming and meeting our newest Simply Speaking members!!

What: New SS Member Potluck

When: Saturday 11/20/10

Time: 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Where: Cybele Antonow's Home
19428 E. Crestridge Dr.
Centennial, CO 80015

Please contact Billie Jo Roach @ (303) 906-4647 or e-mail me to coordinate a dish or bring a drink to share. Please R.S.V.P by: 11/15/10.

It's going to be a blast!

Posted by Billie Jo Roach at 9:01 AM
Simply Speaking Bloggers: Remember to let your group know you created a blog post.

Simply Speaking Google Group

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Blog

Get Ready Everyone!!!
Tomorrow night I will be unveiling 
a new Simply Speaking 
SunSunSunSpecial Endeavor!SunSunSun

S i m p l y   I n   T o u c h

  It is a wonderful way for all of us to know that we are an important part of this 
wonderful group of people. Each and every one of you matter! 

Make sure you are there to hear all about it!
And be ready to SIGN UP for it.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Simply Speaking's mighty MENTORS! We want YOU!

With all of the new members accepted in Simply Speaking recently, it calls for the demand for more mentors. As I visited all of my area clubs and clubs abroad, I found that 99% of them have no structured and solid mentoring program to aid in the development and retention of new members, which is alarming. Many of these clubs are struggling with retention and attendance as a result, but YOU can help stop the downward trend!

Simply Speaking's Vice President of Education Tom Marrs and I have teamed up to launch the club's mentoring program district-wide and eventually to the entire Toastmasters organization. There is no program like ours in the organization, it's easy to follow and easy to use in training others so that "each one, teach one".

For this endeavor to be successful, we need people like you to step up and become a mighty mentor! If you have been an active member for nearly a year, working toward your goals as a communicator and leader and want to see others in our clubs become successful, the intangible rewards of making a difference in others are priceless. When a fellow toastmaster is successful, we're all successful! We are calling on your involvement, your "toastimonial" on its impact and feedback on how we can continually make the mentoring program better.

Simply Speaking is on the verge to take center stage in the standard of excellence for raising up earth's mightiest toastmasters and that includes YOU! Contact Tom Marrs today and tell him you want to become a part of the Simply Speaking POWER SURGE in the days to come by becoming a mighty mentor! See you at the top!
Simply Speaking Bloggers: Remember to let your group know you created a blog post.

Simply Speaking Google Group